OK, back to it, but I was busy in your other thread, so this is shortened some...

1. Did you have your camera set to Auto throughout? If so, it did a pretty good job.

2. There are a couple of "obvious" things to be aware of: watch your backgrounds,
like the slanting brickwork in a couple of pictures, and "things that get in the way",
like the heads at the dancer's feet in the first shot. Then too, check your framing.
In the "two girls" pic, there's too much room above their heads and their bodies are
somewhat truncated.

3. As a Q only: how are you with image editing software, like Photoshop, Elements,
Lightroom, etc? Are these pictures straight from the camera as jpegs, or did you
process some raw files. This is just to gauge your PP (post-processing) level. There
is a goodish bit you can "correct" in these shots, but for now that will do.

To reiterate, generally quite successfl.