Welcome to the New to Photography Challenge VII
This challenge is about creating black and white (monochrome) photos. Monochrome photography can be dramatic. Photo journalism was always monochrome until quite recently. Ansel Adams was the master of the monochrome landscape. For portraiture, monochrome produces stunning results, just look at how often some monochrome photos are part of a wedding album. Monochrome is also ideally suited to subjects that have powerful lines, geometric shapes etc, so consider all of the above when looking for your subject.
Monochrome can be a very powerful photographic technique that is often overlooked as a valuable choice.
So your challenge this time is to get a monochrome shot, in the genre of your choice. However, do not set your camera to monochrome. We want you to learn how to convert to monochrome using your editing software.
So read up, google, etc, on how to convert to mono in your chosen editing software, usually there can be different ways to do it, try to find the way that gives you the most freedom to choose how your photo will end up, rather than using the simple "convert to monochrome" option. If you really want to have a go, try using the dodge/burn tools on your photo as well.