Windows 7 is now in beta. Read all about it here
Windows 7 is now in beta. Read all about it here
Nothing exciting really, from my point of view.
I cracked up when I saw this bit of the media release"Users will be able to download a test version of Windows 7 from today. A final, glitch-free version is expected to go on sale in about a year."
A glitch free version? Yeah right. What was it about pigs and lipstick?
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Win 7 should be free for Vista users - its just a big service pack!![]()
Just reviving an oldish thread - does anyone plan on getting this? I head it is either now released or soon to be.
I am needing to upgrade my PC at the end of the year, and am hoping to run W7 on it - just not sure if CS3 etc will be o.k.?
Just look at it as more of a big service pack for Vista rather then a totally new OS.
I have access to Vista if I want it but I have XP on my home computer and I use XP at work so it is easier to keep them all the same but I am planning on putting Vista on my laptop soon when I get some time to do it.
Win 7 is a big service pack for Vista - the fact they want money for it is criminal.
I'm using both the 32 and 64bit versions and there is no way i will be going back to Vista or xp its a great system and have had no problems with either versions.
You can download the release candidate versions from microsoft HERE
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I am also running the release candidate. I like it so far.![]()
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A big service pack for Vista?... bugger my vista would have to not crash for long enough to actually download it. It's a bit like a blind persons cross here sign, a good intention but useless to those who its intended to help.
Vista is much like Win Me, the in between OS.
Windows 7 is a ground up rewrite of Vista... its a much better OS... though i haven't had any issues with Vista myself... it took a bit of getting used to thats all...
The experts are saying Windows 7 is the best Microsoft OS ever... it even runs on older machines, runs great on netbooks.
The biggest problem with Vista is public perception... everyone thinks because some says its bad that thats the truth... but to be prefectly honest with SP1, Vista is perfectly fine now...
You mean it actually works some of the time now? Sheesh ......
There ae three classes of computer user. (a) Joe the ordinary user. Joe hates Vista. (b) People with a good technical grasp, generally (but not always) professionals. 75% of pros regard Vista as the worst MS OS ever. 10% think ME was the worst one. 10% can live with it, though these same 10% probably think IIS has a great security model and Frontpage writes clean HTML. The other 5% shudder every time they remember Windows 3.0 and think Vista doesn't quite manage the worst-ever crown, though it's close. Oh, and (c), people who like Vista. No-one that I have ever met understands why. Personally, I don't believe it's the sort of thing you can cure with drugs, though surgery is probably worth a try.
Umm... first off... i don't have any trouble with it... though I've turned off UAC as soon as setup the computer.
Secondly, I'm a IT Technician myself and no I don't think IIS has a great security model, or Frontpage writes clean HTML...(Personally I either use notepad and create the code from scratch (PHP generally) or use Dreamweaver for the syntax highlighting and a few of its features)
I've seen and heard a lot of the well known professionals say Vista isn't bad now, but the horse has already bolted the gate for MS to fix the public perceptions.
I use both Vista and XP Pro on a daily basis, and I honestly can say that i do not have any problems with Vista...
I think the best move MS has done is made it available to everyone to test it.
My thoughts so far, it seems to run better then Vista. But it is a clean install when Vista was installed some 6+ months ago.
I'm not to sure that the fact I've also gone 64bit Win7 over 32bit Vista has anything to do with better performance.
We'll see how things are in 3 months.
Mind you I've had no major issues with Vista or Win7.
Thelastname, Win7 most assuredly does run better than Vista. (Well, OK, what doesn't?) But the difference is massive. Our first test install was, quite deliberately, on a mid-life cycle machine, the sort of thing that runs W2K or XP perfectly happily, but is brought toits knees by Vista. It was a ypical, middle-of-the-road 2-3 year-old system: Sempron 3100, 1GB DDR, ordinary everyday graphicsd card - Geforce 4 5200, I think, can't remember exactly now, but in any case, a perfectly capable little card for everything except full-on gaming, typical modern hard drive.
The result: it ran Win7 perfectly decently. A little slower than XP on that same machine, but only a very little. Try Vista on that same hardware and you have a complete clagfest.
Now, that doesn't mean that Windows 7 is good. It simply means that Windows 7 isn't much worse than the ancient Windows XP. So it's OK. Just OK. But if you are comparing it to Vista .... well, everything is good if you compare it to Vista.
Windows 7 will ship according to ARN today on October the 22nd
Making Vista's life cycle about the same as that other recent o/s disaster Windows ME.
Spent some time with Microsoft recently (local MS tech consultant type) in the context of negotiating an enterprise agreement (puke).
They intend to have major releases more often now.
He said XP <> Vista gap was too long.
To my way of thinking it means they can get more revenue as they charge for each release.
He also said Win 7 is a big service pack plus a bit more. Which is really crook in my opinion!![]()
That Vista is sub standard ... they should fix it for free (supply Win 7 to Vista users for free).
The good news about Win7 is the driver model etc. has been left alone. So we won't have most of the XP > Vista incompatibility issues. Mind you if XP > Win7 then plan on replacing hardware.
I've been using Windows 7 for a few months now and find that it is far more responsive than Vista. This is mainly due to the fact that Microsoft has scrapped a lot of their legacy core code and re-written it from scratch. My advise, give it a go, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.