Hi, im shooting in RAW, and processing in ACR (CS3 via Bridge), and I know im not getting the most out of it. Most of my learning has been trial & error, and watched a few people process their photos, but all I do in ACR is change the settings on the 1st tab (exposure, blacks, contrast, brightness, etc), then the sharpening ones on the 3rd tab (all set to 0 as i use kubota magic sharp), and then if landscapes change the blues on the 2nd last tab.
So, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get my hands on a really good 'fool-proof' tutorial, with general rule of thumb type things for processing their RAW photos.
I also have lightroom 2.0 on my computer, and have opened it about 3 times, and been very, very confused by it, and closed it down again! So, if anyone has a quick / basic tutorial on what the heck to do in lightroom, that would be great!
Thanks in advance!