Quote Originally Posted by junqbox View Post
Yep, gotta love the folks that get their 'facts' from ScoMo and Alan Jones. Maybe they should rename themselves the ostrich party.

Pissing on the parade of people who are actually trying to do something positive instead of sitting back and accelerating the process is hardly constructive.
Ok. So what is your solution?

We can't look to hydro because a dam will interrupt the Mary Valley lungfish (or other fish) breeding route. We can't look to wind because it will disrupt the Orange Bellied Parrot migration or knock a few Wedge Tailed Eagles to the ground. Solar only works half the day and battery technology is getting there but not viable yet.

Snowy 2.0 was briefly put on hold because environmentalists were concerned about redfin being pumped upstream where they would eat native fish. Ethanol from cane sugar is an option but cane farmers are supposedly destroying the Barrier reef with run off.

Geodynamics had a crack at thermal power from hot rocks but that was not viable. There are solar stations supported by small gas fired power stations that fire up when the sun goes down but well you know, coal seam gas isn't the flavour of the month.

The problem at present is that no one is ready to compromise and map a plan that might take 20 years to change over. People support Greta Thunberg saying, "How dare you!" but no one ever comes up with a clear plan or path to 100% renewables. (Don't start me on Greta - a privileged person growing up in a developed country whose wealth was built on timber, car manufacturing, iron and steel, etc. in effect telling people in India that they need to continue burning dung to cook their meals rather than transitioning to a developed economy).

Street marching makes people feel like they are doing something useful but it doesn't lay out a clear path to change. Plus, climate change is kind of a first world problem. I don't see people street marching to get action on malaria, which kills near enough to a half a million people each year. Or cholera or dysentery, which kill another half a million. Or diabetes, which kills another 1.5 million. Or demanding action against the innumerable dictatorships in third world countries where the people are subjugated and killed in their millions.

Sure, everybody needs to acknowledge that we need to make some changes. The reality is that it needs to be a incremental change with buy in from all sides. Catastrophising climate change only polarises opinions and doesn't bring any real change.

Happy to discuss.