Let me run this one by you...

I have a 5DM2 and get messages from PS that I don't have enough memory. This is frustrating when you have almost finished working on an image.

I get these messages when making a selection (msg says that due to a program error the program must close)

I get them when doing HDRs with 2 or more images.

I need to restart my computer to temporarily fix the issue until next time. This can happen four or five times in an eight hour session. Grrr!

I have 3 Dell XP pcs - all on service contracts (less than 3yrs old). I rang support and was informed they are all maxed out with RAM! I have 4gig on all systems. I was horrified but need to address this issue.

The way I see it is I need to upgrade to XPS (64bit) systems so I can increase RAM to >4gig or change to MAC Pro. Both expensive fixes.

Real drag when all my software is PC - although I am led to believe that my peripherals will run on MAC.

My friends tell me, "simple, resize your HUGE images so your computer will be able to handle them". I think reducing my images is silly and negates having a 21mega pixel full frame camera.

What really pi$$es me off is PCs allocate a max of 1.3gig of my 4gig to PS whereas Macs apparently alloctate memory on demand.

Do you guys have an opinion on this issue?