Quote Originally Posted by Colplay View Post
I have learnt the funniest thing actually! I've just returned to AP after a brief hiatus thinking I had mastered the exposure triangle (that's a work in progress). So I started reading the learning plan, starting with "how to hold your camera" which I'll admit I nearly didn't read. Read it, disregarded it as I cannot hold the camera with both hands. Well I kind of am to disguise the fact one of hands is busy covering my left eye It's true! I cannot wink So my left pointer finger, for as long as I can remember, holds my left eyelid closed while my other pointer finger gets busy with the shutter (I am laughing so much right now). Anyway, read on. I read the next chapter: Use both eyes! Woah nelly! I have been holding a camera of some sort since I was 12 years old so we're talking about banishing 20+ years of "technique" here I can't tell you how relieved I am to have read this and to be honest I can't believe I never thought of it myself! So here I am, eyes wide open, taking photos. That is what I have learnt....so far....thank you
Hello Coldplay and welcome back to AP. Hey what you learnt is great I can only wink with my left eye never been able to wink with the right eye so I use my right eye did not even pay any attetention to it until I read your post because its naturl to me I use my right eye in the view finder and close my left eye that is the only way I can do so thank you so much for sharing this information with us.