Hi there,

I currently have a Canon EOS 300D - with a SanDisk Ultra II Compact Flash 15MB/s - 2GB

Now, I'm having some issues with this memory card and another... there was a beautiful storm brewing so I grabbed the camera and took some photos. They were there on the camera in the memory card, but when I put the memory card in the computer it says......

"you need to format the disk in drive I: before you can use it. Do you want to format it?"

So I tried everything to get it to work before I formatted it, tried the laptop and another computer. But kept saying the same thing So I formatted the disk and lost my photos.... then thought the memory cards were fine... went on a holiday, came home, put the memory card in the computer and wham.... it happens again!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sad, because I will now loose those photos too.

Does anyone know why the 2 memory cards are doing this? Is it the camera, the cards or me?

Your help would be greatly appreciated