Quote Originally Posted by ricktas View Post
why would you love a telephoto lens? Yes it is nice to go 'i want' but until you know what you are going to do with anything you want, then it is pointless.

So tell us, what do you think a telephoto lens is going to do for your photography?

After all, I want a tractor, I think it would be great.. But I live in a suburb and have no use for a tractor whatsoever. So I buy it and put it in the garage and look at it on the weekends.

Get my point? Tell us what you would like to do with this telephoto lens and then we just might be able to suggest something to suit your needs.
Thank you.

I want flexibility (I know, that it is expensive.)

I assume this new lens will give me greater options, especially:

- shallow depth of field portraits
- fun zoom options in the field beyond my current 50mm