rainy day today so setup some random objects from around the house to complete this challenge. Unfortunately I was unable to get open tof 4.5 so settled with f5.6 for the first shot. Second was at the recommended f22.

I notice that the circles in the timber are definetly less distinct in the f5.6 sot compared to the F22 one meaning that there is a shallower DOF. This will certainly be useful for shooting where the background is of less interest than the foreground - Portaits for example?

I also note that as I was shooting under artifical light the effect of the brightness in the photos was also affected by the choice of aperture. Even thought the F22 is less open than the f5.6, the camera compensated by the amount of time the lens was opened. It is interesting to see that the f22 shot was actually brighter than the f5.6 shot. Since I work during the day, shooting often takes place late afternoon, the impact of aperture is important to take clear photos in waning light (as I'm finding out!).

Thanks for the challenge Rick, putting what you read into proactice then trying to document your results is an interesting exercise.