Quote Originally Posted by Mark L View Post
Bob Brown is only really referring to this particular wind turbine and transmission lines on Robbin Island.
This should not be confused with him being against all wind turbines.
From same article Bear quotes, "The world needs energy efficiency and renewable energy to replace fossil fuels, and fast. However, as with the Harmony Hotel proposal, this Robbins Island wind farm is an aileron too far."
It seems that Bob is selective in where turbines should be placed. I don't think it is about the birds. He is against wind turbines in remote places that might make those places no longer remote and pristine. Given the agitation of the Extinction Rebellion protesters about needing to declare an immediate climate emergency and their demands to move to zero net emissions by 2025, has Bob adopted a more conservative approach? He seems to want to take some time to find the right places for wind generation. There are shades of grey, even in the greens.