And gets worse. A fool travels 30 mins and turns up to cover a sports event. A home event in a normal home/away competition format and the events which the fool regularly covers for the commercial client.

The fool readies himself to shoot the event, the game begins and the fool notices one of the competitors whom just completed the prior lower grade event, walk over close to himself with a camera and start shooting. The fool, thinking the competitor is getting some shots for himself or the club facebook site, starts a conversation while shooting away.

The competitor tells the fool he is now supplying the commercial client with shots of all their club's events and after prompting from the fool, tells the fool he's only getting accreditation because unlike the fool it's only an interest, for a bit of fun and to get shots for the club, so he can't expect to get paid.

So the fool later learns from the client that he will no longer have those events to cover. But the fool realises it doesn't stop just there as clients from the home towns/cities of the visiting clubs are also regularly supplied with the fools products but will in future be supplied with the player's free product through the client in a "I'll pat your back if you pat mine!" agreement.

For this regular event, the home town/city client and the away town/city clients no longer exist on the fool's books.

But wait for it, there's more. The previous week the fool travelled 3 hours to cover a sporting event of a different kind for a commercial client only to find out after the fact that the client was to be supplied with a free product from a local and will continue to do so in the future.

Again and as above, this regular event is added to the growing list of the home town/city client and the away town/city clients that no longer exist on the fool's books.

You know what they say about fools, eh?