Hi Everyone out there,

I am so glad to find a website with a vast wealth of knoweledge. I look forward to learning different techniques and hearing your thoughts on my work. Photography is my hobby. I love taking still imagery photos ie: plants, patterns within life, architecture, even the burnt bit on my morning toast which appeared as a heart shape. Those moments in time that would be extremely difficult to capture again. I have 3 little cherubs and as any other photography mum they were probably my inspiration. I love taking photos of them however whether its a confidence thing or something else i dont really want to photograph too far from my family unit. However i LOVE post photography. I am currently using Photoplus x4 which i have found pretty good but i am a little upset that i cant seem to find any plugins that correspond to that program. Just a quick question has anyone got any thoughts on the OLYMPUS PEN Mini E-PM1?
I'm very happy to be here and i will put some of my photos on soon