Ok, I am Nikon owner (with d90) which I am very happy with but I want to get into birding and so far, unless a bird is 3 feet in front of me, i end up with a furry blob!!Unless I win Tatts Lotto, I simply cannot afford the Nikon telephoto lenses!!
So, I have decided to come over to the dark side
I have read all the threads on the 100-400mm and really like the sound of this lens(thanks,Tannin for your excellent reviews).
Not knowing anything about Canon cameras, I was hoping someone would be able to advise me as to a good camera to match this lens.
I would be using it solely for birding and wildlife but it would also double as a first DSLR for my husband as well.
Would something like the 60D be suitable?
Any advice would be much appreciated as this has been doing my head in