Hi All,

I'm at the stage where I want a new wide angle lens. I've been shooting with Nikon's 18-35mm Lens for the last year and a bit, and while I love it, I just feel like I'm starting to miss out on the qualities of a prime, or a pro lens.

So here's my thought process:

Nikon 16-35mm f4 Nano coated... gold ring goodness... wow, $1500 is about the cheapest it comes, the 16 wide end really appeals, and since Ive been using the 18-35mm, I can see how this would be beneficial.

But then..

I'm also feeling a little tempted by the Nikon 24mm f2.8 - reports from around the internet suggest its a great little lens. Or even the 20mm 2.8 OR the Sigma 20mm 1.8....

I could say, save my $1500 and buy the 16-35mm
or save a bit more and get the 17-35mm 2.8...?

(im so confused when it comes to these, with 1mm being the $300 difference..)
I could spend equal to that on a couple of lenses... Ive got my eye on some sigma equivalents...

Can anyone woo me further in to the 16-35mm? Early reports seem to suggest its nikon's best wide angle.. but f4? what's that about?