How very strange. After reading this thread yesterday, I went to have a bbq dinner/pre wedding meeting with my sister (to whom I am being the 'paid' photographer at her wedding - ie. not paid, rather my wedding gift to her, but still the main 'tog). And she has warned me that one of her friends is bringing her younger brother who is an aspiring amateur photographer. But she thinks her friend has told him that she will buy prints off him etc and he wants to talk to her about the kinds of shots she wants...err hang on a sec bud, you're a guest, not a second shooter!!
I have also asked that she get me his contact details so I can have a word with him also. Not that I am ultra experienced or super pro yet myself, but A) i'm the main tog and will be taking more of a documentary approach so would be easy for him to ruin shots etc and B) it's my sisters wedding so I especially don't want any distractions.
I hope he is reasonable when I get to speak to him. I'm happy for him to also take pictures, or even tag along with me, but I hope it's not a disaster.