Quote Originally Posted by Ray Heath View Post
The best - the $2 magnifying glass I purchased at the cheap and nasty shop.

The worst - hang on a sec, probably the same lens on a different day or when I meant to create a different type of image.

Now that I think about it this whole thread is a shallow attempt at defining a complex issue.

Or maybe I should just keep my actual opinion to myself and throw in a cheap shot about how bad "kit" lenses are cause "everyone" knows thier suspect and that will show that I'm in the know, wink, wink.
I'm not sure about "shallow attempt at defining a complex issue", but yes the results here can be taken with a grain of salt because it simply comes down to personal experience which is exactly what the OP asked for.

Re the kit lenses, yes they will get a bad wrap when compared with the more expensive lenses, hence why in my comment, I said it was a bit unfair to name it because it was good value for money.