This may be in the wrong place and the mods are welcome to move it.

I have just voted on the photo of the week and am concerned with the number of shots that seem to be over processed. Before you all jump on me let me tell you were I am coming from. I spent over 40 years in the graphics reproduction side of the print industry. My job was to combine the type and the images under the direction of a senior designer to produce something that a commercial printing press could print. The last year of my 5 year apprenticeship was working on copper printing plates to produce colour. I have been from the large flat bed cameras with a flat DOF and the large film and developer etc to working in the digital age using photoshop and the associated software to produce the final product. I have spent hours doing proofs while the rep and the client discussed reducing the magenta by 3 percent.

In all of this the object was to reproduce the image as naturally as we could. I now see images that we would not be used as they are over sharpened, colour is boosted to unbelievable levels and faces washed out to be insipid images. Have a look at your TV screen or the magazines in the newsagent, aim for natural unless you are producing art shots.

Perhaps it is just me, I do not intend to demean anyones work and if I have offended anyone I apologise.