Hi, I'm an Aussie amateur film photographer based in Tokyo for most of my life, and am returning for yearly holidays to Adelaide in August. I wish to scan my family's 300 slide collection, preferably into TIFF images, that I can then adjust in Photoshop. I'll be using an ASUS Eee PC 1000HE netbook which I assume will be up to the job. I use a CanonScan 8800F in Tokyo, but am reluctant to spend $300 for a small project. I'm thinking the Wolverine F2D100 for about a $100 will do the job sufficiently..but not sure.

My questions:

1. What scanners can people recommend in Oz with regards converting slides to digital?
2. Where can I purchase online for delivery to Adelaide or in Adelaide itself a Wolverine or similar specialist scanner? Where in Adelaide is the best place to purchase scanners?
3. Any suggestions generally with regards a project such as this?

There's a small previous thread, but I'm looking for the most up to date input (2010/06) I can find.

I'll put the word out to the rellies, so I assume the project may well get much bigger.

Thanks to everyone ahead of time!