I had a new and amazing experience yesterday.

I've had no end of calls from "Telstra" people ringing lately, all Indian and all trying to convince me that I had a problem with my computer (which they would fix for me as they are such nice people.)

Sometimes I lead them on with wide eyed innocence, and sometimes I tell them to f%$# off and stop annoying me. Usually I like to be very naive and let them waste time while I pretend to swallow their stories, and sometimes i wait until they've finished before telling them that I don't have a computer, which really freaks them out because there's nothing in their script that covers that.

Yesterday, for the first time, one of them confessed he wasn't from Telstra. He said "I'm ringing you from Telstra", and I said "No you're not, your ringing me from India and your trying to con me out of my money!" He said "How you know I am not from Telstra", and I told him it was because I get calls from them all the bloody time and he should just go and get a real job and stop ripping us off. He just said ... "I can't get a real job, there aren't any, so I have to do this to earn something because what else can I do?" We then had a bit of a chat, and I must admit did feel a bit sorry for him because I know they have no options over there and I have read about their crappy lives. It was refreshing though, to have one actually confess and stop lying to me ... I hope he finds a real job.