This was my entry to the "Get your Geek on" comp.
Feel free to cc the photo if you wish but my main concern is why when I posted , it came out so big and looking low res.

It did not look like that when I was working on it in Lightroom.

My basic workflow is that :

I use LR for my post processing and then export the files using the Export function.

I exported as jpeg , tick the box "Limit file size" and set this to 250k , and also tick "Resize to fit" Long Edge to 1024 pixels. Sometimes the photo's come out looking good and similar to what see in LR ( like this weeks ANZAC day photo ) and sometimes they seem to come out bigger. This one seems to be Low Res and out of focus but it looked much better in LR .

Any clues on why and if I am doing this correctly would help.