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View Poll Results: How do you generally vote?

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  • I swing, but usually vote labor

    11 25.00%
  • Is there parties other then the Coalition?

    7 15.91%
  • $5 each way for me

    7 15.91%
  • Swinging Coalition voterl here

    6 13.64%
  • Greens

    6 13.64%
  • Labor, everytime

    5 11.36%
  • Independants

    2 4.55%
  • Other single issue parties

    0 0%
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Thread: Which way do you go?

  1. #21
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    Tannin to clarify what I am saying - if someone puts a "1" above the line rather than number all the boxes below the line, and they have no idea how the preferences are distributed, then they could in theory be voting for a major party.

    IE: I put a 1 against the Zoo party and that's the only vote they receive and their preferences go to Labor, then under the 2 party preferred system my vote effectively ends up with Labor. However, if I number all the boxes below the line then I decide the order my votes are distributed.

    Likewise, the recent election(s) highlighted that a vote for Green resulted in a Labor government, but a lot of Green voters didn't realise that this would happen (similar to the support of the Independents for Labor which many people didn't see coming).

    I am not disputing what you are saying, but more the fact that a lot of people don't understand the two party preferred system and preferences.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2BAD4U View Post
    I am not disputing what you are saying, but more the fact that a lot of people don't understand the two party preferred system and preferences.
    Given that there is no such thing as a "two party preferred system", I entirely agree that no-one understands it!

    Bahhh ... if you vote above the line, you get exactly what you asked for. No sympathy from me there. This sounds like the typical "we woz robbed" bleating the conservative parties are notorious for after every election they didn't win.

    Intelligent citizens never vote above the line (except in the circumstance where their preferred party happens to have a card they agree with in every particular). Further, in nearly all (not all, just nearly all) cases the parties and candidates number their HTV cards in a fairly sensible and predictable way, so that if you do vote above the line, your preferences are usually distributed broadly in agreement with your wishes. There are exceptions though: notably the utter stupidity of the ALP two elections ago in giving prefs to Family First and getting that fruitcake Fielding elected. The Libs puled something similar at the last Victorian state election where they preferenced Labor!

    It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bennymiata View Post
    This sounds like a dangerous thread.
    May end up almost as bad as the Carbon Tax thread.

    Personally, I think we should stay away from politics here, as it could make enemies out of people, whereas the aim (I guess it is anyway) of this forum is to bring photographers together, and not drive them apart.

    I haven't voted and don't really want to be a part of a slanging match.
    You can just vote, you don't need to comment
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  4. #24
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    On a world-wide scale of where ultra right ring are a 0 and ultra-left wing parties are a 10, where do you think Australia's current Labour and Liberal parties are - I think they are BOTH about 4 and there's really little difference in policy - so - taking away the lunatic fringe in the Greens, does it matter ?
    Last edited by kiwi; 09-06-2011 at 11:33am.

  5. #25
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    Liberals: 3 on average
    Labor: 4 mostly
    Greens: 6

  6. #26
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    This may help. Even the AEC talk about Two Party Preferred. I'm going to leave it here at get back to taking photographs.
    Last edited by wmphoto; 09-06-2011 at 12:09pm.

  7. #27
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    Independants or Other single issue parties - not quite sure. I usually pick the 'No Parking Meters in Sydney' or 'Sex Party' or something like that.

    I have a large hatred for elections and will never understand why a vote is compulsory. I'd much rather leave the vote for people who know or care about politics. Me putting in some random vote doesn't help anyone out. Should not be compulsory.

  8. #28
    Arch-Σigmoid Ausphotography Regular ameerat42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff79 View Post
    ...I have a large hatred for elections and will never understand why a vote is compulsory. I'd much rather leave the vote for people who know or care about politics. Me putting in some random vote doesn't help anyone out. Should not be compulsory...
    Your first bit I can't help you with, so onto the 2nd:

    It's simple, really: it is to give you the chance to exercise your democratic right. Have you ever thought how it would be if you did not have such a right?

    And so, why is it compulsory in this country and not in other democracies? Think that if we didn't have this compulsion the whole election process and the resulting governments would be so much less democratic, if indeed democratic at all! (Lobby and interest groups could easily hold sway.) It would be like, say, 20% of the eligible voters having the final say in electing a government. You might end up liking such an outcome even less.

    From what you say, you already DO "...leave the vote for people who know or care about politics..." Lucky for you there are some such around, you may care to reflect. In the same vein, you choose to exercise your democratic right in a guaranteed non-productive way. That is indeed a privilege.

    Lastly, I will just say that I do not agree that ...[voting] "...Should not be compulsory..."
    Last edited by ameerat42; 09-06-2011 at 2:10pm.
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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ameerat42 View Post
    Have you ever thought how it would be if you did not have such a right?
    Often, and it excites me.

    Without getting into a discussion about things I don't know, or care to know enough about, I just truly don't believe it makes a difference in the end who you vote for. The same people will continue to roll the way they do, even if the face "in charge" changes every few years. And my uneducated (by choice) vote won't change that.

  10. #30
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    Personally the voting system in Australia sux. Until I learnt how to vote in my mid twenties I would vote for the one I liked. As it is now I go through all the preferences and make sure that the one I dislike does not get a single vote.
    What ever happened to "One person, One vote" the one with the highest amount of votes wins.
    As for the poll, I can't tick any. Maybe you should have had; The party that appears to offer more common sense than the rest.

    As for the Carbon Tax thread, I totally enjoyed it. All that posted only posted what they believed to be right. And I respect everyone who contributed, because they were willing to stand up for what the believe in, without any animosity towards any other member. In my opinion anyway.
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  11. #31
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    The problem we have here is that all the good politicians are too busy taking photos, driving taxis and serving beer!
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  12. #32
    Ausphotography irregular Mark L's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff79 View Post
    I have a large hatred for elections and will never understand why a vote is compulsory. I'd much rather leave the vote for people who know or care about politics. Me putting in some random vote doesn't help anyone out. Should not be compulsory.
    Well it's compulsory to turn up and get your name marked of the electoral roll. What you do or DON'T put on your ballet paper is known only by you!

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MARK L View Post
    Well it's compulsory to turn up and get your name marked of the electoral roll. What you do or DON'T put on your ballet paper is known only by you!
    Yep, valid point. Once I'm there I always feel inclined to put in a vote for one of those sexy little parties, but I'd rather not have to bother with the whole process at all.

    Even on a quieter day, you'll stand there lined up for the best part of an hour and trips like that have a nasty habit of eating into a day. This year, as we were in Fiji at the time, the process to get an absentee vote set up was annoying too.

    I just think that if it doesn't interest you, you needn't be involved.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff79 View Post
    I just think that if it doesn't interest you, you needn't be involved.
    I just think that if it doesn't interest you, you might think of all the people elsewhere who have died for their right to vote.

    Quote Originally Posted by MARK L View Post
    Well it's compulsory to turn up and get your name marked of the electoral roll. What you do or DON'T put on your ballet paper is known only by you!
    So an hour here or there isn't that important is it? (State of Origin time excluded of course )

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ameerat42 View Post
    Your first bit I can't help you with, so onto the 2nd:

    It's simple, really: it is to give you the chance to exercise your democratic right. Have you ever thought how it would be if you did not have such a right?

    I'd actually go further & suggest its more than a right, its a responsibility

    And as for the way I vote, I guess my approach is the same as that that Ving detailed about

  16. #36
    Way Down Yonder in the Paw Paw Patch jim's Avatar
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    Swing voter. I swing despairingly between Labor and the Greens.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tannin View Post
    Intelligent citizens never vote above the line (except in the circumstance where their preferred party happens to have a card they agree with in every particular).
    Tony, you are good at mathematics, what percentage of the voting population do you reckon actually vote below the line though? I would hazard a guess at about 2% going by the results of the last 60 or so years of elections in Australia.

    Quote Originally Posted by MARK L View Post
    Well it's compulsory to turn up and get your name marked of the electoral roll. What you do or DON'T put on your ballet paper is known only by you!
    We can only wish that the ENTIRE voting population of Australia would remember that at the next federal election, that might ( heavy emphasis on might ) just make a few pollies take notice, after all it would mean destruction of their desire to have a generous superannuation payment do the best thing for their constituents.

    Next time, I am voting for the party / politician that promises to remove the GST from photographic related items.
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  18. #38
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    This poll is flawed!!

    It needs a final option:

    The only good politician is a DEAD one!!!
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  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by ving View Post
    I dont seem to be able to see my option there... no i dont mean gravy! (though there should be gravy there)

    I dont vote based on what party i like or dislike. I dont donkey vote. I dont vote indies as a from of punishment for a party i dont like. I dont vote for what my parents voted for, I dont vote for whoever is popular at the time... i base my votes on what each politically party has to offer come election time, what policies they put forward, what i gain from said policies, what the country gains from said policies, etc.

    i want gravy...

    VOTE 1

    Definitely agree. I was most disappointed in the most recent local election, as I'd moved house, but forgotten to update my electoral role details, so I still had to vote. Normally I like getting all the info in the mail, and seeing what each candidate is planning on doing. This time I didn't get a chance, as I now live outside of that electorate.

    Quote Originally Posted by I @ M View Post
    Tony, you are good at mathematics, what percentage of the voting population do you reckon actually vote below the line though? I would hazard a guess at about 2% going by the results of the last 60 or so years of elections in Australia.
    I did vote below the line last election, however, in my area, there is only about 17 members or so. I feel for those who have 70 + members...It's no wonder that people in those areas vote above the line.

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  20. #40
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    Funny that in a free country, we are forced to vote regardless of whether we want to or not.

    However, there is one thing that really irks me about our voting system, and that is that anyone can turn up to a booth and perport to be you and vote.
    They don't even ask for any identification, nor do they have to!

    No wonder one of the parties tell their members to vote early, and vote often!
    It's amazing how many dead people vote.........................................

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