I stumbled on this site "Wedding Photojournalist Association". They have some strict rules

WPJA members should not have more than 25-35% of the wedding images on their web sites from the following combined categories*:

Portrait (photographer has control of the posed situation)
Set-Up (subjects faking a moment or actions prompted by the photographer)
Camera Aware (subjects staring into the camera)
Details (flowers, cakes, rings, tables, gowns, shoes)
Manipulated Images (pictures heavily altered with software: sepia, selenium or other toning, selective tinting, soft-focus effects, vignetted edges, desaturation, texture overlays)

That means 70% of your wedding pics will be candids? Sounds a bit wierd to me, then I'm not a photographer. But I thought it may be interesting to discuss. But wouldn't a WPJA wedding look like one with only a 2nd tog and no main tog?