Another potentially silly question:
Can I get a Hasselblad to Nikon F-mount adapter?
If so, would I want to do that and what are potential pitfalls?
Here's the thought. I've got the urge to get a Carl Zeiss Planar 110mm f2.
I already know of Hasselblad to Contax 645 adapters but I just wondered if the lens can do double duty and be mounted on Nikon F-mounts too, which is my digital platform.
I'd love to eventually own a blad and with the appropriate adapters, one lens becomes three (or 4 if you count DX/FX) focal lengths. Ok... its not a big difference between 645 and 6x6 but the change in format does change things up.
I'm aware that it is manual focus only, and probably only stop down metering but that lens is essentially going to be used wide open much of the time so no big deal there.