Had some time to kill while working at Southern Cross last weekend so I put the niffty fifty on and here are a couple images
Sorry forgot the train
I'm a sucker for trains so # four for me.
Those little 50s are fun aren't they? I really don't use mine often enough. I like the severity of that first shot with the bins. The composition, the shape of the bins and the absence of colour makes for a very bleak feeling. That portrait is also a good shot - probably the one I like the best in this series.
nice group of shots Graeme. The posters and the portrait I especially like.
Just some information for others : http://www.connexmelbourne.com.au/in...?id=56#amateur
You need a permit to shoot at train stations.
"It is one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like, it is another thing to make a portrait of who they are" - Paul Caponigro
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