The great news is that AP is growing. We have more members and more posts then ever!
The site has recently been growing by over 20 new members every day and there are usually over 1000 posts every day.
But some people are feeling swamped by the growth. So we have come up with some suggestions to enable members to get the most from the site.
- Don't be afraid to post an image in a new thread, or to comment on someone else's image.
- If you're not sure how to do this read the sticky posts in site matters and/or the FAQ.
- You learn the most by getting good feedback on your images. Remember AP is safe!
- A good way to learn is to look at others images and Constructively Critique them (CC).
- If you like an image don't just say 'nice shot' - say why you like it and maybe what could be done differently.
- Even if you are new you have your own perspective and your feedback is welcome.
- Ideally post 2 or 3 CC's foe each image of yours that you post.
(more than "nice picture", eg: What you liked, what you would do differently, and why)
- Site navigation hints:
- Use the Search features - there are lots of options on the Search pull down menu
- Use the unanswered CC thread in the sub-menu links to find images that need CC.
- Enter competitions !
– it’s an excellent way for you to improve your photography as it challenges you ... set realistic goals ... like getting a few votes, maybe making the top five
- we know the standard is high – but don’t under rate yourself either, You never know - you maybe the next winner!
- Vote on competitions
– you need to look critically at a set of images and this helps your own creativity
- Don’t try to read every post
- focus on your interest areas and maybe one or two others
- Look for threads with zero or only a few replies and provide CC on those
- Above all interact
- don’t just look and say nothing, it’s the interaction that makes AP good for all and for you to improve your photography
- If you’re not sure .. ask!
- The mods and many members will give you help when you need it
- Get involved at a local level via AP meetups
- its another way to improve
We hope these ideas help each member in getting the most from AP and improving their photographic skills and techniques by being an active participant.
Some helpful threads to assist you: