Exhibitions, Events, Locations. The forum to post about things going on in your State, or where to shoot, etc
Canberran's are there any...
07-04-2018, 10:08pm
Gold Coast Air Show
05-09-2023, 7:19pm
Visiting Sydney and NSW in...
10-09-2018, 7:48pm
Any other top enders out there
29-11-2014, 12:34pm
Nullabor Road Trip
12-12-2018, 7:59pm
Northern Tasmania in September
21-08-2018, 7:16am
Rising Festival in Melbourne
22-05-2021, 6:46pm
Any Perth groups?
15-05-2016, 9:47pm
Traveling to Japan?
14-05-2023, 7:21pm
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