View Full Version : greyhound racing

07-02-2012, 1:31pm
hey guys just wondering if anyone here has done this type of photography??

i know odviously that flash will not be permited.

but is there anything else i should know about it??

and what settings on the camera would work best??

thanks matt

07-02-2012, 1:37pm
someone i know does it in the states

diabolically hard

you are going to want a high shutter speed, 1/800s and over

09-05-2012, 12:30pm
Did you ever hear back from anyone about this?

I own a greyhound and she possesses the type of speed the racers put out. I find it a challenge to get what i would call 'keepable' shots of her running around at the park. I use M mode- 1/1300th on f/2.2 usually- if it's a bright day- f/ 5.6 and that fares pretty well. I find that the camera focus has difficulty tracking her but im shooting on a 550D so whilst i have fast lenses (f 1.8s), i believe a 7D or a 5D might cope better, though i have never tried it.

09-05-2012, 1:36pm
Someone posted a photo of greyhounds racing a few months ago and it was really well done - I tried to search for it but could not find it, I recall the shutter speed was quite fast and he pre-focused the camera before the dogs arrived, that is all I can remember. I know some posts were culled so maybe that was one of them.

09-05-2012, 1:40pm
Here is the result


09-05-2012, 3:26pm
Did you ever hear back from anyone about this?

I own a greyhound and she possesses the type of speed the racers put out. I find it a challenge to get what i would call 'keepable' shots of her running around at the park. I use M mode- 1/1300th on f/2.2 usually- if it's a bright day- f/ 5.6 and that fares pretty well. I find that the camera focus has difficulty tracking her but im shooting on a 550D so whilst i have fast lenses (f 1.8s), i believe a 7D or a 5D might cope better, though i have never tried it.

hey hows it going

its abit of a hit and miss scenario with this i found. i was prefocusing on the ground where i was hoping the dogs would pass but as you know the dogs dont take long to pass that spot. your best bet would be to take the photos when it is quite bright as you can get you shutter speeds up. and always shot in the continuous mode and take as many photos as you can.

i have been meaning to get out and shoot another meet again but i have been slack. next time i will probably try a higher ISO also

Someone posted a photo of greyhounds racing a few months ago and it was really well done

thanks Allie