View Full Version : Any news on the new Canon 5D MkII?

12-12-2011, 4:18pm
Sometime in the new year, I want to get myself a FF camera, and the 5D MkII fits the bill.
However, I know this model has been out since around 2008, so surley it is about time it was replaced.
I'd hate to buy a new camera only for a new model to come out within a few months, so does anyone have any idea on when the new version will be announced/released?

12-12-2011, 5:36pm
Canon tends to keep details of pending releases quiet.

Plenty of people speculate, read rumour sites, etc., but the reality is that those who know don't talk, and those who talk don't know.

If you need a fantastic full-frame camera now, why not buy one now? The 5D Mark II will be no less capable the day a successor is released.

12-12-2011, 8:37pm
5D II are pretty cheap right now so why wait? The new version won't be near the current price so you'd get a great camera body now.

12-12-2011, 10:56pm
As already mentioned there's always a lot of speculation around. If you really want to get a feel for the current rumors then take a look at http://www.canonrumors.com/2011/12/a-bit-about-the-5d-mark-iii-cr1/

GTP 290
13-12-2011, 12:42am
Looking at this from another angle, are 5D MKII prices going to take a dive once it's successor is released? I think that would be rather frustrating knowing that you just paid XXX amount for a camera and then a month later you see the price drop by a few hundred dollars or more.

13-12-2011, 11:16am
GTP that always happens and if you constantly worry about you'll never buy anything. Just saw B&H have done another price drop in the 5D it's about $2100 USD

13-12-2011, 4:42pm
GTP that always happens and if you constantly worry about you'll never buy anything. Just saw B&H have done another price drop in the 5D it's about $2100 USD

That's the reason I'm asking.
As the camera has been out for a number of years now, and all of a sudden, even with the shortages of stuff coming out from Japan, the prices of the 5D are coming down, I am starting to smell a rat.
If B&H are reducing the price, as are some of the other web sites, then it means that Canon USA has reduced their price to the retailers, which normally means a new model is imminent, as they are clearing their current stocks in preparation for a new model, just like they do with cars.
I'd hate to buy a 5D MkII now, even at a good price, only to have the new model announced the day after!
It's a major investment for me.

It seems the release will be kept a secret just like it was with the 1Dx.
I noticed a few weeks before the announcement of the 1Dx, that B&H started to have massive give-aways and price reductions on the older model, so I'm thinking....................................(and that is rare for me).........

13-12-2011, 8:10pm
So how long are you prepared to wait? 6 months? 12 months? or longer? I know I usually end up buying at the wrong time but when I WANT something I usually just buy it. cheers Brian

14-12-2011, 12:23pm
I'm not in any particular hurry.
My 60D is doing it nicely for me, but I would like to get a FF camera and not being willing to fork out for a new 1Dx, the 5D MkII seems to be the go for me, as I'm not into fast action sports, so the slower FPS of the 5D is enough for me as most of my photos are studio shots and macro where absolute speed is not so important, but good definition and low noise are.
I always like to buy the latest so that I know I won't be buying older technology that will date quickly.

15-12-2011, 9:48am
"I always like to buy the latest so that I know I won't be buying older technology that will date quickly."
+ 1 on that