View Full Version : When lorries get bored

06-10-2011, 6:34pm
Watching the birds is a never ending source of entertainment and when they start wrestling it is so funny to watch, here is the start of a series of pics, also trying to do pp in a new program so some may look a bit harsh but enjoy the frivolity.

06-10-2011, 6:37pm
In the next lot a noisy miner wanted to join in but they had other ideas.

Frank 44
06-10-2011, 8:52pm
I like the images they are diffrent the last one is the best of the lot, good try

10-10-2011, 9:01am
Haha aw that's some fantastic photos! :D

One of my close mates has a pet one. It's so fun!

It's been hand raised since it popped out of it's egg and trained. It will bop it's head to the beat when you tap on anything, it likes to hang upside down off you, eat your hair, sings/dances with you and more hahaha..

Mary Anne
10-10-2011, 6:23pm
Good ones Thanks for sharing :th3:
You want to see them fighting in our birds baths its a laugh I tell you :D

Mark L
10-10-2011, 7:54pm
Thanks for these Wilky. Like the last one. I've seen one of these guys put a cocky on it's back and dominate it when they were arguing about some food.

One of my close mates has a pet one. It's so fun!

It's been hand raised since it popped out of it's egg and trained. It will bop it's head to the beat when you tap on anything, it likes to hang upside down off you, eat your hair, sings/dances with you and more hahaha..

We've got one of them. Does all that as well. It also insists on having it's baths in the washing machine.

10-10-2011, 8:45pm
Thanks guys yep They are great fun to watch.

11-10-2011, 5:24pm
Bath in the washing machine, brilliant haha