View Full Version : cheap neutral density filters on ebay

09-08-2011, 11:41am
I was looking at some cheap neutral density filters on ebay (the description is Green.l 52mm ND2 ND4 ND8 Neutral Density Filter KIT ) that are about $13 from China.
I am only new to photography and wanted to muck around with them taking shots of the water while on holiday on the goldcoast next month. I have some tutorials in a photo magazine I bought showing how to do it and I really like the look.
Is this something I shouldn't even bother with if I can't afford decent ones or do you think that for $13 I might get some ok results?
thanks for your help.


09-08-2011, 12:56pm
You will get an idea of what you can produce with them. They do show up a colour cast which may not be appealing. Cheap enough to give you an idea of what they can do. The holder tends to be not wide enough for a wide angle lens i.e. you will see the sides of the holder, which means you can't take a pic at the widest focal length.

If you get them you will be able to tell if you can be bothered with all the mucking around setting up. :)

old dog
09-08-2011, 1:21pm
it`s not much money in the scheme of things just to try it out and see what you can get. I`d definitely shoot in RAW only so you can correct any colour casts.

09-08-2011, 1:41pm
I use a variety of these with very good results. Some densities give stronger colour casts than others.

09-08-2011, 6:26pm
Maybe, these el-cheapos to give you a play / test.

But, if you get serious.... with optics, you definitely get what you pay for.

10-08-2011, 4:58pm
how about instead of buying a kit and buy ONE regular branded one for about the same amt? at least you won't have 3 filters to offload later?