View Full Version : How do you fund your equipment?

29-07-2011, 6:56pm
Just wondering... how do you pay for your equipment and upgrades?

JM Tran
29-07-2011, 6:58pm
through profits from clients and sales:)

29-07-2011, 6:59pm
I tried offering the salesman some beans, but that didn't really work, so I stuck to using money thereafter.

29-07-2011, 7:03pm
I had to go to the good old credit and full time job:)

29-07-2011, 7:40pm
put it this way.,..

my wife is very busy of a night

old dog
29-07-2011, 7:53pm
I collect empty coke bottles and take them to the corner shop and get 5 cents each for them....:D well I did when I was a youngster.

29-07-2011, 7:57pm
i am of work and for rehab and to keep the brain ticking over
i go to 4 op shops everyday and buy about 30 bucks of gear
mainly old plates
and resell
i have made enough this month for a 10-20 siggy 24-70 siggyand i have enough for a 70 -200 siggy
but tossing up whether to get that or new tripod or 580ex11 flash
cheers macca
ps any one want to buy a plate

JM Tran
29-07-2011, 8:00pm
this one time, after band camp - I walked into the casino with a 100 dollar note aiming to win a Canon full frame camera. I walked out 10 mins later looking forlorn and 100 dollars poorer, so I bought a Pentax:D

29-07-2011, 8:03pm
i pay for my gear by getting other people to pay for it as payment for doing shoots for them:D

29-07-2011, 10:42pm
I paid for my gear by living 1/2 my life over the past few years down a very deep, dark, hot, sweaty hole.

30-07-2011, 5:05am
I paid for my gear by living 1/2 my life over the past few years down a very deep, dark, hot, sweaty hole.


30-07-2011, 5:07am
I have a good job Monday to Friday and an understanding wife who agrees my camera equipment is cheaper than a boat or a Porsche

These days it's self funding though I haven't bought anything much for a couple of years now.

30-07-2011, 8:17am
I tried offering the salesman some beans, but that didn't really work, so I stuck to using money thereafter.

Hmmm, you should've tried bananas... I got my 70-200 vrii for 1.6kg :D

30-07-2011, 9:24am
A combination of savings, credit and selling stuff. I sold alot of my kids baby stuff and that bought me 2 lenses.

30-07-2011, 9:39am
Hmmm, you should've tried bananas... I got my 70-200 vrii for 1.6kg :D

If I wanted a 600/4 I might offer a bunch of bananas.

Actually, maybe not; the 600/4 costs less.

30-07-2011, 10:15am
Being on the pension there is not much left there, so I collect cans, bottles etc from the local pub and take them to the local collection depot (SA) for the 10c each. I also save money running my Ute on bio-diesel made from the old cooking oil collected from the local pubs and take aways. I am currently saving for a 70-200 2.8L, it's going to take a while, especially when things like fridges die on you.
PS I refuse to buy bananas while a few are profiteering from the shortage.

Duane Pipe
30-07-2011, 4:20pm
I hate to admit it But I got my 7d through Hardly Normal with the 24months interest free deal, trouble is im going to have to give it back when the payments are due :lol::lol::lol:

30-07-2011, 4:47pm
Talking about bananas 1.99 a kilo in NZ today

Duane Pipe
30-07-2011, 7:30pm
Talking about bananas 1.99 a kilo in NZ today

Are you saying that Bananas are worth $1.99 a kilo in NZ Daren, if so WOW:eek:

30-07-2011, 7:31pm
In my job as a cleaner, i get extra work during school holidays, and either use it to buy camera stuff or save it for a holiday or something for the house,
or to pay the taxman :(:(:(:(

30-07-2011, 7:32pm
Yip, that's all

30-07-2011, 7:49pm
I send a request to the Minister of War and Finance.

If she agrees I recieve finance for new gear.

If she disagrees I go to war, cause I buy it anyway.

but mainly B'day and Christmas I get new toys as I ask family to chip in ( it makes them happy they can get me something which they then recieve a benefit from(The pics of my son))

30-07-2011, 9:38pm
Blimey! You mean I was supposed to pay for all this stuff? :eek:

30-07-2011, 11:24pm
Blimey! You mean I was supposed to pay for all this stuff? :eek:

I've been prompting Xenedette to fund a Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L tilt/shift lens for a while now.

I'm hoping she'll eventually give in to the pressure. If she knows what's good for her, she will.

31-07-2011, 8:09am
I work 4 days a week to raise the cash to do the things I want to do in life. After all, isn't that the point of working in the first place? No use working and having funds to enjoy life, and not actually enjoying it. Come to think of it, I do know people who don't seem to enjoy life, and they usually blame everyone else, except themselves.

Paul G
31-07-2011, 11:23am
Just wondering... how do you pay for your equipment and upgrades?

Very rarely! Unfortunately photo gear is at the bottom of a long list after all the costs of living and other expenses are paid. :o All my gear, bar one lens, has been bought pre-loved. Got one lens from the man above actually!

Paul G
31-07-2011, 11:30am
Talking about bananas 1.99 a kilo in NZ today

Can you organise a couple of shipping containers full to be sent over here mate? There's some money to be made there.....

31-07-2011, 11:58am
I don't use the tax free threshold. Therefore I get a fairly good tax return. I use that for extra stuff I need

01-08-2011, 10:11am
Weddings and portrait shoots pay for mine. Otherwise its cooking, cleaning, massages, foot rubs and anything else that convinces SWMBO to release funds for purchases.

cam bicknell
01-08-2011, 11:12am
It took nearly a year to save for my second hand 70-200. Hopefully the tax man will provide a good chunk of the next purchase.

01-08-2011, 1:50pm
Get BAD friends around you to compare.....

Buy 1st, then apologize to my love one while she's screaming/repeating the same words every week. But compare to my friends who smoke/drink/gamble/, she is much more preferred me doing what I am doing :D Her lady friends regards me as a "good husband"!!! :confused013

But I have come to an agreement with her on No lens till 2012 :)

Mark L
01-08-2011, 8:59pm
.............. But compare to my friends who smoke/drink/gamble/, she is much more preferred me doing what I am doing :D ......................

But I have come to an agreement with her on No lens till 2012 :)

So you're off with you're friends till 2012 then? :D:D

02-08-2011, 11:47am
Hanging out with them more often and see if missus will sign the "release form" earlier! :lol:

02-08-2011, 11:56am
Set expectations early.

02-08-2011, 12:08pm
So I found ouy I only need one kidney.....

02-08-2011, 2:36pm
I usually sell random body parts... You'd be surprised how many parts of the body you don't need to survive...

Random toe and finger here and there..and your good to go :)

04-08-2011, 5:05pm
I save, and be very nice to my husband. The trade off is I usually have to buy him an xbox game or two so he has something to do while I'm playing with my gear:)

04-08-2011, 6:46pm
Due to the ongoing sexual comments in this thread, and many deleted posts and edited comments, it is now closed!