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View Full Version : Help - forget the name of the application.... "Photographer's ???"

16-06-2011, 2:32am
Hi all,

I know there is a application is call "Photographer's ????" - basically it help you to check/track sunrise/set time, tide time, position of the moon/sun etc....

It's free on the web, and cost couple of bucks on iPhone.

If you know what I am talking about, please let me know the name of it. Ta

16-06-2011, 5:04am
Ephemeris I believe is the one you want.

16-06-2011, 6:36am
I use ga.gov.au (http://www.ga.gov.au/)

16-06-2011, 6:54am
Thanks both of you :) Exactly what I am after :)

16-06-2011, 9:26am
yep The Photographers Ephemeris is what your after , a very handy bit of software http://photoephemeris.com/

Ian Brewster
18-08-2011, 5:24pm
I have just discovered this, so may be of interest to othe more recent members? Certainly a fabuous aid.

18-08-2011, 6:09pm
Darey and I used the iPhone edition on the weekend to position ourselves, precisely, for a moonrise :)