View Full Version : menu system between the D90 D60 and D5000

13-02-2011, 6:20pm
I have the D90
between the D60 and D5000 which has the closest menu structure and controls to the D90
thinking about getting a certain book but they only have it for the D60 and D5000

thanks for your input.


I @ M
13-02-2011, 6:24pm
Ray, there are plenty of guides published, both free and paid on the net about the D90.

If you want a very good guide that you have to pay for have a look at http://www.bythom.com/nikond90guide.htm and if you want a fairly basic ( read biased ) but free guide have a look at http://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/d90/users-guide/index.htm

14-02-2011, 12:37pm

another book I can recommend is "Mastering the Nikon D90" by Darrel Young. You can order it through Amazon.com.

14-02-2011, 12:41pm
Just a note on this thread, the threadstarter asked me to close their account on AP, so they will not be able to reply to any comments here.