View Full Version : Autofocus AND shooting problem on 60d w/ 50 1.8

05-02-2011, 5:22pm

Absolute newbie but think I have a problem.
AF has ceased working.
Half depress doesn't focus, FULL depress doesn't shoot!

Still just shooting in Auto / Zone modes.
No Red lights on focal points. Doesn't seem to be attempting to focus

Suggestions please?

(My only lens at the moment)


05-02-2011, 5:59pm
any error codes on the LCD during the shutter press?

05-02-2011, 6:12pm

AF has ceased working.
Half depress doesn't focus, FULL depress doesn't shoot!

Doesn't sound like a problem to me, it sounds more like the camera is set to shoot only after acquiring focus.
Maybe it's the setting to choose the focus point automatically, and the camera is just having difficulty in determining focus.
There are so many reasons for the camera to do this, it'd take an encyclopaedia to list them all.

Set camera to single point focusing mode, where you determine where to focus. Keep the focus square on something with good contrast, where black against white is good contrast. Even tho it;s a low light lens, that doesnt' mean that the camera is capable of focusing in very low light. The lens only makes that proposition more successful.

If there was a technical problem, then the first thing to try is to remove the lens, and just remount it.
As Rick said, any error messages on the top LCD screen will help to determine if there is a problem as well.

Somewhere in the camera set up menu, may be an option to decouple focus and exposure, this is usually called release priority, where the camera will always take the shot, even if the focus hasn't been acquired.

Realistically(the Canon guys that will come along to help) will probably want more info too.

To help you understand how focus works, the AF system requires some contrast to do so. trying to focus on a flat white wall is not going to give you focus, focusing on almost anything that has good variation in colour(contrast) or lines should give you focus.

05-02-2011, 6:15pm
When this happens to me it's usually because ive accidentally knocked the lens from auto aperture selection

05-02-2011, 7:16pm

Appreciate the feedback.

Pls understand I'm shooting in FULL AUTO, Auto Focus, under the same light conditions I usually shoot. (Indoors or outdoors - Doesn't seem to help)

The problem is irrespective of lighting, or contrast of subject.

I have noticed a Busy messge appear briefly on lcd, and my flash is flickering.

I have remounted my lens to no avail.

'knocked the lens from auto aperture selection'? Do you mean changed the mode dial? 60d has a lock so it cant be bumped

05-02-2011, 7:20pm
Try cleaning the contacts. they are on the body lens mounting point, and also on the lens., when you lock the lens in place they allign to allow electrical contact, if these are dirty it can affect operation.