View Full Version : Ripped Off!!!

02-02-2011, 9:40am
I was just in Bob g's thread HERE (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?77621-Simple-Pleasures&highlight=simple+pleasures) entitled "simple pleasures".

I was eating my breakfast at the time while viewing his pic. It was a fabulous picture of the ingredients to make Bruschetta, including an inviting HUGE sourdough loaf of bread.

I looked at my breakfast that I was eating and just thought this is just SO wrong! After viewing that picture, then looking at MY breakfast, I felt utterly and completely deflated. I felt completely ripped off!

My breakfast -


Yep, carrot sticks with a few celery sticks. I want a HUGE plate of bacon and eggs AND I WANT IT NOW :devil1:

Thanks for nothing Bob ;)

02-02-2011, 10:06am
:lol::lol: yeah Lloyd, its always risky looking at the food threads, they usually depict something better than whats in front of you or what you were planning for the next meal.....mmmmm bacon and eggs does sound good...........:D:D

Ms Monny
02-02-2011, 10:29am
Thats hilarious!!! Well, at least your waistline will look good after all that carrot and celery. :lol:

02-02-2011, 11:02am
:lol: classic

02-02-2011, 11:40am
:lol::lol: yeah Lloyd, its always risky looking at the food threads, they usually depict something better than whats in front of you or what you were planning for the next meal.....mmmmm bacon and eggs does sound good...........:D:D

YES, you know my pain David! Mmmm bacon and eggs, I honestly cannot remember the last time I had them :crike:

Thats hilarious!!! Well, at least your waistline will look good after all that carrot and celery. :lol:

:Doh: I eat this stuff and my waistline still does not look good!

:lol: classic

Thanks Craig, I know you are secretly jealous I had carrot sticks! :shh:

02-02-2011, 11:48am
Nah, I aint jealous. I had a Pepsi Max for breakfast today :eek:

02-02-2011, 12:06pm
I am sorry but that just made my day:lol::lol:

Dylan & Marianne
02-02-2011, 12:06pm
I had coco pops :)

Mary Anne
02-02-2011, 2:03pm
Oh that a terrible breakfast Lloyd I had two eggs on toast, your breakfast would not sustain a rabbit.
Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince , and Sup like a Pauper they say.
You are doing it the wrong way around you are eating supper for breakfast.
Bacon and eggs tomorrow for you for a change :th3:

04-02-2011, 8:15am
Nah, I aint jealous. I had a Pepsi Max for breakfast today :eek:

Hmm, after reading that Craig I don’t feel too bad now haha

I am sorry but that just made my day:lol::lol:

Well Sally, I’m glad somebody got something out of it other than the taste of carrots :th3:

I had coco pops :)

Mmmm, Dylan, I’d kill for Coco Pops and whole cream milk. I rarely eat cereal these days, it just doesn’t cut it with no fat milk! It tastes like you are eating it with white coloured water!

Oh that a terrible breakfast Lloyd I had two eggs on toast, your breakfast would not sustain a rabbit.
Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince , and Sup like a Pauper they say.
You are doing it the wrong way around you are eating supper for breakfast.
Bacon and eggs tomorrow for you for a change :th3:

You are right Mary Anne, you’ll all be pleased to know my lovely wife took pity on me and made me a beautiful Bruschetta for lunch yesterday! I was going to photograph it but by the time it reached work it tasted better than it looked haha But the best bit is, I'm getting it for lunch on the weekend too - YUM