View Full Version : Buildings on Private property.

21-11-2010, 9:58am
I had to journey to Hamilton the other morning for work and on the road there noticed quite a few lovely old crumbling sheds and some wonderfull old bluestone/weather board homes(abandoned) that would make for some excellent subjects.

Just wondering what the etiquete of taking photos of these would be. I would where possible ask the landholder for permission if I wanted acsess to their land. But what about shots from the road side?

Thanks Dan

21-11-2010, 10:27am
If these buildings are visible from the road, or verges, then you are on public land and quite within your rights to photograph them, whilst standing on public land, without permission from the property owner(s). However, if you want to take closer photos, you MUST seek out the property owner and get their permission to access their land to take the photos.

21-11-2010, 10:30am
The question isn't whether the building is on private property, it's whether you are.

21-11-2010, 1:13pm
The question isn't whether the building is on private property, it's whether you are.

Jim read the question again.

Dan - OP asked this

Just wondering what the etiquete of taking photos of these would be. I would where possible ask the landholder for permission if I wanted acsess to their land. But what about shots from the road side?

Rick's answer is correct.

21-11-2010, 2:02pm
Yes it is. So's mine.

21-11-2010, 8:29pm
Didnt say it wasnt Jim :) But now understand your point, and its very true, so apologies if I misunderstood your response. What seems public often isnt these days. And good to be able to point that out :)

21-11-2010, 8:44pm
Thanks folks this has cleared up things,
I always intended on asking permision if I were to enter their property, but the roadside issue was a bit unclear.

Cheers Dan

22-11-2010, 1:05am
If you are shooting for personal pics, not commercial ones, then you can take photos of anything you like from a location where you are on public land, with the only exception being that you must not take pics anywhere that a person of ordinary prudence would have a reasonable expectation to privacy. Taking pics in a toilet block or change room etc would not be allowed for example.

22-11-2010, 6:31am
To add to Wayne's comment, if you are taking them for commercial reasons, you need to get a signed model release from the subject. For example, you cannot take a shot of farmer Rob (hehe) and then present to use it on billboards, promoting a breakfast cereal, without said farmer Rob having signed a model release. It is best to protect yourself by having a signed model release in this instance. Although mostly breaches of this generally only end up in court if the subject is a public figure (models, actors, etc), it applies to everyone.