View Full Version : Formal Pics

17-11-2010, 11:51am
Hey Everyone,
As I am new to Photography, I am taking pictures tommorow of my god daughters formal, and was wondering if anyone of you could give me some advice, tips on what to do or not to do?

Thanks for taking your time...muchly appreciated :)

17-11-2010, 12:36pm
If it is indoors, use the fastest glass you have unless it is well lit or you have speedlites. If lighting is bad, remember you can raise the ISO level to increase shutter speed which will help to counter motion blur but the penalty will be noise depending upon the ISO ability of your body. Think - Shutter speed to be no slower than roughly that of the focal length you are shooting at, eg; shoot at 60mm focal length = shutter speed not slower than 1/60 sec, 200mm = not slower than 1/200sec.

Be careful with built in or on camera flash, may end up with lots of red eye shots. Also take care with clothing that is black or white esp shirts/dresses near the face, meter for them.

17-11-2010, 12:39pm
Thanks Wayne...i dont have speedlites, i will do my best...

17-11-2010, 1:31pm
If no lights, find a nice spot outside in the shade, look to hit f/8 and make sure not to have trees growing out of her head. Try for the golden light in the afternoon.

18-11-2010, 12:38am
Ohhh, I presume it is at night... With out a speedlight, you are making life very difficult indeed. Esp if in a darkened function room etc.

My advice, if you must use the pop-up flash (and if you have kit lenses - you prob must)

a) get in reasonably close, but not too close (maybe 3-10 feet - depending on focal length - my advice, use the widest lens you have)
b) use as little flash as possible (consider dailing back the flash power as much as possible)
c) use the slowest shutter speed you can get away with. (slower shutter with less flash means more ambient light = better exposed / less contrasty pics)
d) highest ISO you can use on your camera before noise spoils the pics

Here are a few I took recently

#1 - I got in close (very close) f5 @ 1/50 : ISO 1600 (flash bounced from roof - and pointed slightly over my shoulder)


#2 - setting same as above (there was a pretty strong down light above them)

#3 - fast movement - I had to widen the appurture f4 so I could up the shutter to 1/80 sec (otherwise, they would blurr). Also, in order to keep the background light up (the lights went down a bit when the dancing started) I had to up the ISO to 3200

18-11-2010, 7:21am
thanks Scott...that is great help...ill have to write it down so i dont forget..big help thanks again, how much are speedlites to buy??

18-11-2010, 10:21am
Nikon (not sure what you use) SB600 or new 700 a couple of hundred, SB900 flasghip model, $470, but thats from OS or Ebay, getting one locally will often be $750+

21-11-2010, 12:02pm
what camera do you use?

guess you're up for around $300 - $400 for a basic ttl model

depends what you are after.


22-11-2010, 9:23am
i use a Nikon D3000....yeah a bit pricey...guess ill have to start saving.
formal pics turned out ok, some are a bit over exposed, as the lighting i couldnt work with, it was raining, and the lights in the house were yellow, so i have to do alot of photoshop on them to make them look more natural..