View Full Version : A little HELP please

23-08-2010, 9:55am
Long story but short Question,is it possible to retrieve a photo from flickr as I have lost original.
Many thanks for any replies.
(sorry mods if in wrong place)

23-08-2010, 12:58pm
Wayne, you should be able to download the original image that you posted to Flickr.

Select the thumbnail image and click on it till you get the medium size image with "Actions" and "Share This" buttons above the image.

Click on the "Actions" button, then click "Show All Sizes" from the menu that pops up

A new window will open showing the image with a number of links for different sizes above it. Click on "Original" to load the original image.

The original image should open. Use the "Download the Original size of this photo" link to download to the desired location. Rename the file from the Flickr filename to something meaningful (and maybe make a backup straight away :) ).

Hope this helps.


23-08-2010, 2:45pm
Explains it from a linking perspective

23-08-2010, 5:11pm
Thanks very much Phil & Kym I will give it ago.

23-08-2010, 5:52pm
Followed yours first Phil and it worked a treat.Thanks again.

Dan Gamble
24-08-2010, 3:46pm
It would seem that "Large" or "Original" on Flickr isn't exactly that. Apparently you can only get your originals... ie. if you uploaded a poster size print... by having a PRO membership @ $24.95 a year.

Access to your ORIGINALS is not available on the FREE account.

Hope that's useful.