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View Full Version : TS-E on crop body?

04-08-2010, 9:17pm
Hi Folks,

I'm tossing up whether to stay with crop body, or go full
frame. One deciding factor is the use of special lenses.

On the crop body, the Korean 8mm seems quite effective,
whereas the Canon 15mm doesn't really work.
What I'm wondering about is the Tilt-Shift lenses. Are they
still effective on the crop, or do you pretty much have to
use them on a full frame body?

Anyone have experience with the TS-E's on a crop?


11-08-2010, 4:36pm
Canons TS-E lenses are EF mount and will function on both FF and crop sensors.
The only difference is the effective focal length.

12-08-2010, 1:34pm
Thanks Titan,

Yes, I know they will mount and work, but is the effect the same, or reduced on a crop? I gather the shift will give the same outcome, but I'm wondering if the tilt will give similar focus effects.


13-08-2010, 9:17pm
What are you using the lens for? For architecture work you often want as much in the frame as possible, so I would tend to be leaning towards a full frame camera if architecture is what you were doing.

14-08-2010, 11:12am
Hmm, yes architecture is an interest, so that's another point in favour of FF.


17-08-2010, 1:41pm
Thanks Titan,

Yes, I know they will mount and work, but is the effect the same, or reduced on a crop? I gather the shift will give the same outcome, but I'm wondering if the tilt will give similar focus effects.


Yes, the tilt effect (and DOF) will be pretty much be the same on either sensors, just that the FOV will differ.