View Full Version : CS4 Scratch disk problem

01-08-2010, 1:30pm
Hey APer's I'm suddenly having a constant error message in CS4.

"Trouble reading or writing to scratch disk error -36. Error is unrecoverable."
it then shuts itself down. Never had this problem before:confused013

this happens when I try to use the Distortion filter to correct lens distortion( other filters work OK) and when saving a file.

my selected scratch disk is my E drive which has 274 GB free
Any one got any ideas?

01-08-2010, 2:05pm
have you checked E drive for errors? Maybe a scan of it is worth considering.

01-08-2010, 2:11pm
thanks Rick, running a defrag on it at the moment, then check disk.
I'm at a loss:confused013

01-08-2010, 4:15pm
have you checked E drive for errors? Maybe a scan of it is worth considering.

well don't know what happened, ran the defrag then check disk and all seem to be back to normal...fingers crossed. Thanks Rick:th3:

01-08-2010, 4:17pm
Welcome, was the only thing I could think of, as being the cause.

05-08-2010, 12:04pm
Ah ha, no E drive today:(.mmmm just about to pull the machine apart. Hopefully a loose connection, but it does explain the problems I've been experiencing.
Now when did I last back up?:confused013

Ok up and running again now, looks like a loose connection was the problem, I'll back it up tonight just in case.

05-08-2010, 3:02pm
might be a drive about to die too. backup anything that is on it that is needed.

05-08-2010, 8:51pm
Yep, backup as much as you can ASAP. Hopefully the drive isn't dead, but it may end up being terminal so pays to be prepared. Drives generally don't just have a loose connection unless your PC is moved around a lot.

06-08-2010, 2:40pm
backed up entire disk to two EHDD last night, it seems to be running OK for now but I do feel better that is backed up just in case it does crash.

26-08-2010, 9:51am
might be a drive about to die too. backup anything that is on it that is needed.

Update: 320 gig HD died yesterday:( Glad I took the advice a few weeks ago and backed up the entire drive. Now to find a replacement?

Thanks guys:D

26-08-2010, 10:06am
Whew! You dodged a bullet there, getting everything backed up.