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View Full Version : I like my humans raw ::::

26-03-2010, 8:55pm
I was taking some shot's in the back yard the other day and was nearly eaten alive by mozzies. Spotted this one on my thigh and decided to take a picture rather that splatting him. Here I was in the back yard balancing on one leg while pointing a camera at my thigh. The neighbours must be fairly confident that I'm a loon now :D

In the end I rewarded myself by splatting the little bugger ... what a mess :p

26-03-2010, 8:56pm
Eww how can you do this? Good shot though. ;)

26-03-2010, 8:57pm
were is the after shot :lol:

26-03-2010, 9:00pm
yeah... where's the after shot lol

Mary Anne
26-03-2010, 10:52pm
Sorry I cannot see any mess. :confused013

26-03-2010, 11:21pm
teasing us with the before and holding back the after thats just meen
great shot tho

26-03-2010, 11:46pm
I think it would be a her not a him, but it's an interesting photo.

27-03-2010, 10:19am
I was thinking of taking an after shot but decided against it as as I assumed that the majority of members would be apposed this abhorrent act of violence :lol:

Crazy Horse
29-03-2010, 6:26pm
+ 1 for an after shot :D This could almost go to a poll...

29-03-2010, 7:14pm
Great shot but I hate mozzies lol

01-04-2010, 9:45am
Good one ...;)

02-04-2010, 10:21pm