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View Full Version : Collection of tutorials

05-03-2010, 5:09am
If anyone is interested in adding to my collection of tutorials (http://desmond-downs.blogspot.com/2010/01/understanding-aperture-and-depth-of.html) please let me know .
I got tired of answering the same questions and having to repeat answers on different forums and so I've started collecting them on one site for quick and easy reference .
I think we could build quite a nice reference site for beginners .
Here's a sample from my article on exposing to the right (http://desmond-downs.blogspot.com/2010/01/exposure-and-noise-exposing-to-right.html)....


And a few sample images regarding how flash meters on my blog on 'beginners flash info' (http://desmond-downs.blogspot.com/2010/02/flash-information-for-beginners.html)



And a few from my blog on aperture (http://desmond-downs.blogspot.com/2010/01/aperture.html)



I have a few articles submitted by members of photocamel , nikoncafe and nikongear - so if anyone here would like to help me build this site of info to help beginners please contact me !
