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View Full Version : From the Roaring Forties

04-01-2010, 12:47pm
A picture to go with the winds that we've been having; why are they all from the West?
RB67, 90mm lens.

04-01-2010, 9:00pm
Great capture of 'the wind' Stan. When I was down your way I certainly noticed the wind pruning. We get the same on Tassie's west and south coasts.
Looks like a real enchanted forest, the trees certainly 'speak to you'.

04-01-2010, 9:51pm
Wow, that's some strong winds you have there. And I agree with Nick - that forest is straight out of a fairy tale.

04-01-2010, 9:58pm
The power of Mother Nature, terrific shot :th3:

04-01-2010, 10:05pm
fantastic depiction of the wind strength, and beaut BW, it really gives added depth to the trees and the tree trunks.

05-01-2010, 9:30am
Thanks, folks; there's wind-shear like this all along the coast. It's quite amazing inside the trees also.
I want to use some IR here when I get off these b----y crutches.

05-01-2010, 9:43am
Another view of the same group of trees; the sky wasn't being cooperative this time.

Mary Anne
05-01-2010, 4:30pm
Wonderful captures Stan amazing difference between that top one and the one above here
IR got any photo's would not mind seeing them if you have.

05-01-2010, 5:21pm
Thanks, Mary Anne. I'll flush out some IR pictures and upload them

Mary Anne
05-01-2010, 5:54pm
Thanks. I would like that..

old dog
05-01-2010, 6:25pm
these are terrific Stan. Those poor old trees have copped a lashing over the years. Look great in mono too.

07-01-2010, 8:12am
I'm about to add some infrared prints, for those who are interested. New Thread