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View Full Version : Adelaide Christmas Pageant

15-11-2009, 9:11pm
Couple of shots I took in the hot hot heat - I started to feel sorry for those people all dressed up - they should certainly be commended.

and my favorite shot from the day - a clown cop, and a real cop giving each other high fives


17-11-2009, 11:12am
Looks like a good parade:) Yeahin the heat some of those costumes wouldnt be fun at all ...

17-11-2009, 12:18pm
Damn harsh light - very well done!
It must have been hard with kids etc.

How did the 'wave' work out?

17-11-2009, 12:33pm
Agree....my hat goes off to all the entertainers, it must of been so so hot !

17-11-2009, 1:09pm
Cheers :th3:

Kym - not sure about the wave - didn't even know it was supposed to be happening until afterward!
It would have been better on the other side with the sun behind me, but still it wasn't too bad a spot (apart from the heat!:))

Dylan & Marianne
17-11-2009, 3:17pm
they certainly look in good spirits despite the heat - I like the cubic first image
my bro-inlaw was helping count the wave - I think they probably didn't make the record based on his initial observations anyway

17-11-2009, 7:57pm
You were a braver man then me Matt! Well controlled, considering the conditions

20-11-2009, 4:12pm
That clown cop looks like shes going "Too slow!" or "Psych!" lol