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View Full Version : Colour banding

21-04-2009, 2:54pm
How do I prevent the bands in this type of digital shot taken with a Nikon D200 if my memory serves me right http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3095/3144315893_58ff2581a5_o.jpg

21-04-2009, 2:58pm
It's hard to assess on a low-res image, but increasing noise in the sky area of the image can help

21-04-2009, 3:09pm
Is the banding evident on a high res file?...very nice image!

21-04-2009, 3:24pm
Exif says this is a D70s @ ISO200?

If you are talking about the halo effect caused by the sun then there is not much can you do about that. Maybe a GND filter might help smooth the transition and I suspect this would be less of an issue on the D200 due to its higher pixel density. Also shoot in RAW.

I like the shot btw :D


22-04-2009, 3:25pm
Opps it was the D70s must be showing my age;)