View Full Version : DPREVIEW is closing down

22-03-2023, 8:39am

Looks like Amazon could not make enough money out of it to keep it going.

22-03-2023, 10:00am
Just saw this:

Chris Niccolls and Jordan Drake Join PetaPixel to Lead its YouTube Channel.




22-03-2023, 11:04am
Yes, I saw it also. I wonder what becomes of our membership (ship out, sink... :confused013 )

27-03-2023, 3:25pm
Some resourceful types have been busy rescuing survivors from this slowly unfolding shipwreck,
and have begun these alternatives to DP Review:

DPreview Clone



Good on 'em, I say, and I'll subscribe. "Amazon" shall always remain just the stuff of legends it
originally was, and of course, the name of a major planetary river. No kudos accrues by the
corporate usurpation of the name - in my books, anyway :p

Much else shall remain unsaid but not unimagined... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

27-03-2023, 9:07pm
I visited DPreview occasionally. I found the vibe from the forums to be unnecessarily competitive, picky, narky, and US-centric. Great for product reviews if you are in the market for a new camera but the old D5100 will do me for a while. Sad to see it go but I never found a lot of warmth or encouragement there. Unlike here :)

01-04-2023, 12:23am
All good on the review front. Ken Rockwell is still going strong :lol:

01-04-2023, 8:06am
All good on the review front. Ken Rockwell is still going strong :lol:

true . LOL

01-04-2023, 8:08am
I visited DPreview occasionally. I found the vibe from the forums to be unnecessarily competitive, picky, narky, and US-centric. Great for product reviews if you are in the market for a new camera but the old D5100 will do me for a while. Sad to see it go but I never found a lot of warmth or encouragement there. Unlike here :)

I found you had to wade through the stuff that was posted by 14 year old boys* who probably had never held a proper camera to find decent information.

*disclaimer. They might not have been 14 years old, but they basically regurgitated stuff about devices they had probably never even seen in real life.

01-04-2023, 8:14am
I always found that most, no sorry, ALL websites that are somehow affiliate with Amazon tend to have reviews that are pure SHITE!

I also always try to avoid Amazon and Google if I can, but that's another story... :th3:

And here is why:

Why should you trust us? Our Buying Guides are based on extensive use and testing of the cameras included. We only recommend cameras once we know how they compare to their peers in a variety of shooting situations. All selections are made solely by our editorial and video teams and are the models we'd buy or recommend to friends and family. We gain no financial advantage from recommending one camera over another, either as individuals or as a business.

but then...

We often get accused of having shady agendas when deciding which product to review, when, but the truth is that we base our decisions on a number of factors, including the level of interest (as measured by search queries, traffic, feedback, forum activity and so on), our own interest in the product, the level of innovation and, of course, availability.

DPReview.com is a wholly-owned, editorially independent subsidiary of Amazon.com.

You may appreciate that running this site is no mean feat, if you wish to help to support the site you can do so by visiting the sponsors who may be of interest to you (clicking on banners) or purchasing goods from our affiliates.

01-04-2023, 10:27am
I stopped paying much attention to its reviews a very long time ago, though they were comprehensive and a useful resource sometimes if you were looking for information about some specific detail. You couldn't trust them the way could (and still can) trust the reviews at The Digital Picture. (Actually, DPR reviews were at their best back before Amazon bought them and the site was run by Phil, its UK-based founder. Phil was very much a Nikon man and you had to make allowances for that, but at least you always knew where he was coming from.)

The key resource at DPR was the knowledge base in the forums - yes, all those things Hawthy said, opinionated, childish, bitchy and so very, very American - but if you wanted good information about even the most obscure thing, a DPR member would supply it.

Back to Fred Miranda for me - always a much more civilised place anyway. (And here, of course - this place is my number one and has been for decades.)

06-04-2023, 12:15am
Isn't DPR also that site that let's you pick multiple cameras to do side by side ISO comparisons?

Or am I thinking of a different service?

Can't remember

But I'm sure there may have been some useful tools or info that would be nice to still have around somewhere

Wonder if that DPR clone will be any good?

09-04-2023, 12:07pm
Well, it was a bit Ted Ious, but I fininshed downloading copies of the pics in my DPR Gallery,
as they close tomorrow (US-time).

I couldn't be bothered to look through the threads for the ones there. That would really be the
great-grandfather of Ted Ious :eek: but I did request a copy of all my stuff, incl pictures. :o

21-06-2023, 8:36am
DPR - DP Review - has been sold to Gear Patrol :nod:


It looks like all membership accounts will remain intact.

22-06-2023, 12:37pm
DPR - DP Review - has been sold to Gear Patrol :nod:


It looks like all membership accounts will remain intact.

Just got an email to that effect ...... but will it be the same, or are they just capitalising on the name and membership base? Time will tell I guess.

22-06-2023, 1:29pm
Good Q, Bob, and you are right saying we'll have to wait and see. But if they continue like it is I won't mind :nod:

I'm used to the quirky interface now, and... "Veteran" membership :D