View Full Version : Lens reflection inside underwater dome

19-05-2020, 11:00am
First of all, hello! I'm new to AusPhotography. My name is Pat and I spend a lot of my time in the outdoors, fishing and nature, and snap a few shots for my Instagram.

I need some help in regards to my first steps in split photography. I am getting quite serious reflections inside my aquatech dome, which i use with my 16-35 F2.8 and sonya7riii.
I have put some matte tape on the lettering, however I'm still getting strong reflections off the filter thread and the small threads right next to the front element.

I had a friend suggest putting a really good UV filter on, that might work? I'm not too sure though.

Would anyone have any suggestions please! Its very hard to try and PS the reflections out, and is quite frustrating.

19-05-2020, 11:54am
Pat, you really need to post a picture or two to illustrate the problem.
I can't quite get it :confused013

Can you link to images on your Instagram? If not, look at these guidelines (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?24653-capturedfishing New user is https://www.instagram.com/capturedfishing/?hl=en - at least he's not ALisha /Phew)
for attaching images to posts on AP.

20-05-2020, 1:32am
Have you experimented with a polarizing filter?