View Full Version : "Grinch" themed photoshoots getting photographers into trouble

24-11-2019, 11:52am
it appears to be mainly US based (for now), but Dr Seuss Enterprises (DSE) is taking a dim view of photographers creating Christmas sessions for children with The Grinch in them. DSE owns the copyright and trademarks to The Grinch name and likeness.



One parent has taken a different tack, by setting up a GoFundMe to raise $15 Million for charity, hoping that this will make DSE let him get away with the shoot. I assume he will go to the media and say how bad DSE are if they don't want him raising money for those in need. Manipulation at its finest.

24-11-2019, 12:18pm
As The French might wince at my French:

"L'idiotie! L'idiotie! Toujours l'idiotie!!!":rolleyes::rolleyes:

(I think any translation should be obvious.)

I lament more the utter lacque (Boy, there's that French again:p) of imagination
and branes :rolleyes: than the financial aspect - DSE's problem. - People do these things
out of an uncultured and non-discriminant mindset/turn of the head/how they fink :rolleyes:

24-11-2019, 3:42pm
I think these gofundme type social sites are a blight on the human condition.
I watch a Youtuber calls himself Thunderfoot, and a while ago he made some vids on how badly these sites can really be.
Basically they're a far reaching method for shysters and con-artists to dupe unwary folks of their money.
(I guess of folks are gullible enough to be conned out their hard earned, then good luck to them).

Anyhow, this Thunderfoot chap was(still is) being harassed for alerting folks to unsavoury types that prefer the spread of misinformation and all round garbage.
He was repeatedly attacked for highlighting the truth about various people and their operations.
In doing so, he'd used these peoples own videos under fair usage rights, and they took exception to his use of their material, so they try to sue him.

One particular genius(something to do with bath tub restorations) harassed him to the point where she tried to contact the universities he supposedly worked for to get him fired.
And in the process she started her own gofundme site to attract a US$25K fund campaign to fight him in court.
What she didn't explain tho was that she had a $25K settlement AGAINST her, from another court case(I think not paying taxes maybe.. or a bank debt) and THIS is what the actual $25K fund was actually for.
She repeatedly made videos on Youtube about how she was going to 'take down' Thunderfoot, and once it all panned out it was she(the bath resto part owner) that was eventually shown up as the con artist and criminal she is.

Asking for money on false pretences, to pay her fines! :rolleyes:

Why folks fall for these social engineering dupes is anyones guess!

if you haven't see Thunderfoot on YT, good watch. He is a scientist, and a social justice commentator, where some of his content is about geeky sciency stuff, but more of them about the misinformation in the world of the dupe-ster! :th3:
His recent videos on the rubbish notion of free water from thin air, and in particular one company recent social funding conn is just hilarious .. and people just soak it up.