View Full Version : Pool Noodle

Bear Dale
25-09-2019, 5:47pm
Not sure if most would know about this handy and cheap idea already, but in case you don't and you do shoot pics from inside your car, a pool noodle
split with a sharp knife works great and is a LOT easier than a bean bag as it stays put.


Lance B
25-09-2019, 6:22pm
Great suggestion!

25-09-2019, 8:31pm
Haha, that’s brilliant. Can’t say I’ve ever really shot from the car, but I’ve read about other members doing so. That’s a great idea I’d not have thought of.

Ross M
25-09-2019, 9:18pm
I was attempting to plan a shoot from one moving car to another some time ago. If it ever eventuates I will use this tip.

25-09-2019, 9:28pm
:th3:Yes, l like it:nod: A good idea.

26-09-2019, 5:39am
Great idea. We bought two to use in the springs and waterholes in the NT - was wondering what to do with them.

Bear Dale
26-09-2019, 11:56am
Cheers all it works very well. I can put the window up and leave it in place if I change locations.

10-10-2019, 11:23pm
Definitely gonna have to get me a pool noodle now

Bear Dale
11-10-2019, 10:44am
I use mine all the time David.